
Cosmic Kits was a project started about 10 years ago by my wife and I. it initially was an MLP:FIM fan project involving our OC's Mono and Jazzie.

We eventually moved away from that fandom and decided to make Cosmic Kit's our own project. Mono and Jazzie became foxes instead of ponies, and the story was largely set in space with a sort of 1950's retrofuturism aesthetic.

We initially wanted to create it as an animated series, but currently we are thinking of just making it a comic series. Along side this, I've also been making animations, music, a TTRPG, and a starfighter game just for fun. This website is intended to be both a central hub for all of this as well as a dumping ground for whatever lore we come up with in the meantime.

I hope you all enjoy what you see.
