<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText string -->
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- Set a delay of 20ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
}<div class="block">(color: cyan) [Name:
(input: bind $name)
Favorite animal:
(input: bind $species)
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
</div><div class="block">(color: cyan) [
Hello. We have detected that you are a(n) $species named $name.
(set: $typewriterText to "Welcome to the New Intergalactic Republic of 2160. You are living in a time of great progress for animal kind! If you remember our history, you are free to skip. Otherwise, allow me to briefly elaborate... ")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
[[Skip ->menu]]
</div><div class="block">(color: cyan) [
(set: $typewriterText to "Over a century ago, there used to be a planet we lived upon called Earth. The race of beings that dominated this planet was known as the human race.
On February 1st, 2030, human scientists began to worry about increasing overpopulation, climate change, civil unrest, and a general loss of control that they created an initiative to colonize extraterrestrial planets using genetically modified animals. This project was called the Ark project after a story in a human religious text.")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
</div><div class="block">(color: cyan) [
(set: $typewriterText to "In an ironic twist, our founding fathers would return to earth after creating the colonies for humankind, only to find that humankind no longer existed, and earth was an inhospitable wasteland. No one knows what happened, or how.
Our forefathers would get to work in creating a new life for all of us. Some would stay behind on the first marshian colony, while others would venture off into the stars to discover and colonize distant planets.
After a century, our colonies will have expanded into at least two galaxies: our own Milky Way, and Andromeda. Millions of planets and stations litter our universe for many to travel to.")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
<div class="block">(color: cyan) [
(set: $typewriterText to "Hello. Please input your name and favorite animal.")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
[[Continue ->Inputs]]
</div><div class="block">(color: cyan) [
(set: $typewriterText to "You have logged into a database run by a small team called Cosmic Kits. This team is here to protect the people of our galaxies from strange and terrible threats. You may continue on to the main menu.")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
(enchant: ?link, (text-color: yellow))
</div><div class="block">(color: red) [
(set: $typewriterText to "ERROR: main database is not functioning correctly. You may be able to access backup system.")
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
<a href="https://cosmic-kits.com/newckweb/homepage">Continue to backup</a>